Thursday, 24 February 2011

morning parade

nothing new to report. same old calls from recruitment and estate agents. i suspect something might happen this week with something....or nothing might happen. who the fuck knows. march starts this coming week and i have a funny feeling about it.

cycled to the gym and i had to cycle home in the rain. i fucking hate the rain, and i especially hate having to cycle in the rain. i got soaked though to the bone, but i had to do it as i needed to get home to watch arsenal play in the league cup final on tv. we lost. needn't have risked drowning after all.

today i have mostly been listening to morning parade - a & e. good new song by a brand new band just starting their career.

i was listening to the radio the other day and they kept on playing stuff by radiohead (who i like) and coldplay and razorlight and other generic indie bands. why!!!???. there are probably lots of good bands out there that haven't been played on the radio a million times already. maybe they should get some airtime instead of giving chris martin more. he has had far too much already. although saying that, he does have multiple homes scattered across continents and the upkeep for that is probably a chunk of change. rock'n'roll celebrity lifestyles are expensive and if you arent selling your personal life to gossip magazines you really do need your record company to exert influence on radio stations to promote and play your insipid records or risk being cut out of the loop.

anyways, end of rant. enjoy this tune. its very good and its not coldplay.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011


we are getting close to finishing the deal for buying my flat. i went around to see it again yesterday after my solicitor suggested taking another look just to make sure everything was there that i was happy as everything was going to get wrapped up soon. hopefully another week or two and it will be done.

i also applied for a few contracts and a couple of permanent jobs at a hedge fund and another small investment bank. i also had a telephone interview with another big bank. i had been warned that the interview was going to be very tough and that the guy interviewing did give people a hard time. they built up quite a lot beforehand. anyways, after all that, i had it today and it was nothing too bad at all. i have been grilled much harder in other interviews and he didnt catch me out with anything major. they called me back straight after and said they were happy with how it went and that they would be in touch to arrange a face to face. we shall see.

i saw a film the other night. it was very good but brutal. if you have a sensitive stomach i suggest you dont bother going to see it. the violence in it is sadistic and very hard, but it is a good film as well. anyways here is the trailer.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

country feedback

my course finished on friday and as usual by the time you get to the 5th day of a course your concentration level is low and you are just waiting for the day to end. all in all its a good course and i know a ton of stuff i didnt know before so in that respect it was mission accomplished already even before an exam has been taken.

also had football on thursday night and it was fantastically good. i think its getting to the stage where after not playing for a couple of months, we are now back into it. first couple of weeks are not as enjoyable as usual because you are getting your fitness back up but now things are much better. we should be playing again this thursday night again.

had a couple of calls about contracts and i turned a couple of things down that didnt sound like the direction i want to go in. i want to try and persevere for a bit longer till i find something i really feel enthused about. we shall see how it goes.

gym was good this weekend. had to take the bus yesterday because it was raining and its just depressing riding a bicycle in the rain. went to today on the bike because it dry. well, i say dry, it wasnt, but it wasnt raining although everywhere was damp. that kind of damp when there is no standing water but the road is greasy. it can be a bit slippy on the bike but i am blessed with skills and balance so thats fine then. a couple of drifts but i manage to keep it upright.

and thats about it. today i have mostly been listening to john fruiscante - country feedback. its my favourite REM song ever and i found this version of the red hot chilli peppers guitarist singing it a show in 2001. he had left the peppers a few years earlier as he had said he wasnt enjoying it and i think he had found something else he enjoyed more, namely heroin. thankfully he managed to get through it, though it really did look like he had got himself in a bad way at one point. i think this is him after being clean for a couple of years and back with the peppers again. there is an interview on youtube when he was in the midst of heroin addiction and he is fucked and it looks like he is at deaths door. thankfully he didnt go through it. anyways, enough talk about horse. enjoy this tune. its a fantastic cover.

Monday, 14 February 2011

twilight singers

i took my citrix exam on monday and passed it and i also started the exchange 2010 course as well that day. have done a couple of days of the course and its been interesting and informative. will be looking to do the exam for it in a couple of weeks. i mentioned before that i am of limited mental capacity and so i end up having to read things a few times before they stick in my brain.

have been training very hard as well as studying as is the way. when i hit the books i tend to hit the gym harder as well. weather is still mostly grey and dreary though. we have had the occasional day of nice weather but most of the time its a suffocating cover of low lying slate grey cloud. when will it all be over.

today i have mostly been listening to the twilight singers - last night in town.

Sunday, 13 February 2011


have spent the week revising for my citrix exam which is on monday. i also booked an exchange 2010 course and that starts on monday as well. am taking the exam in the same building so i can do it in the lunch break.

had football for the first time in a couple of months, on thursday. it was good to play but 10 minutes before the end i hurt my ankle. it was really painful and i couldnt play on. i thought i might have just jarred it but when i got home it was bruised and swollen and i must have got kicked although i dont recall taking any hits. its fine now anyway.

i also had to replace the back wheel of my bike after i fell on it and it buckled. it was a comedy moment. anyways i got a new wheel and took the bike out today to go to the gym. i was flying. the old wheel must have been loose or not rolling well, because i felt quick today. i did a time of 17 and a half minutes but considering i didnt feel like i was emptying the tanks, there is a lot more to come.

still no job and no flat. am still getting calls but everything is on hold. no bother.

today i have mostly been listeing to noam chomsky being interviewed by amdrew marr. marr is regarded as one of the most heavyweight political interviewers in britain and he gets to interview the prime minister and senior politicians. unfortunately that really lowers the bar because when he comes across chomsky in this interview he gets his ass served to him on a plate.

marr is used to speaking with a certain type of person in british politics. upper class, private school educated men who have been to either oxford or cambridge. people that have been groomed in the establishment to be establishment figures and to think like establishment figures. marr himself fits exactly into that background. what chomsky does is show him there is a whole world outside his sphere of intellect that he has been brought up in and halfway through its like marr has just been told he has been living in the matrix and not the real world. 11:05 is one of many highlights. the whole thing is very good and informative. enjoy.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

five trees

i finished up the citrix xenapp on friday and after 4 days of it, my concentration on the last day was quite poor. thankfully it was quite a short day and we were done by 3.30pm. am going to study all this week and look to take the exam either at the end of this week or the beginning of next week.

am finally shaking the cold that i had for most of last week as well and i cycled to the gym at lunchtime and did a bit of work out. couldnt really push it because i still feel a little unwell, but am pretty sure i will be fine tomorrow and can start training properly this week.

nothing new to report on getting a new job, in that i dont have a new contract yet. i did get emailed by the technical manager of an online betting company saying he had seen my cv and was interested in getting me in for an interview. i havent replied back and dont think i will as i dont really want to work in the gaming industry. a lot of people have problems with gambling and these kinds of services just encourage more people that cant really afford it, to waste their money. we do have some morals.

that all might sound a bit rich from someone who has worked for crooks in investment banks, but banks do offer some legitimate and important services and they do invest people pension funds and raise money for goverments, businesses and consumers. there is some benefit to what they do, although they do lots of other things and all of them are to make money. am not under any illusion that they offer any services out of a sense of responsibility or collective good will. its all done to make profit and over the last couple of decades a not insignificant portion of that money was made by swindling governments and pension funds. i dont work for them out of choice. if i could get paid as much working for an internet company or somewhere else where i could do interesting work.

ok i will say it, i am sorry for working for investment banks.

have been re-reading hopes and prospects by noam chomsky. a bit like when i am reading technical books, i find myself having to read the same book multiple times to really soak it up as i am of limited mental capacity. if you have the means i recommend you buy it. reading it is like being punched in the face.

today i have mostly been listening to chapel club - five trees. some very good new fresh music.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

icky thump

its the last day of my citrix xenapp course tomorrow. its been a good course and very worthwhile and i have learned a lot. plan is to study hard for another week and then take the exam and get myself certified. will need to do it soon to keep up the momentum and whilst its fresh in my mind. no news on the job front. had a few calls but nothing solid has come through. no bother.

i also have had a bastard of a bad cold for the last couple of days. am sure i got it from travelling on the tube again after not being on it for a long time. rush hours where you are crammed in with other people breathing in their germs. i could feel myself not feeling too good on monday after the first day. god, i fucking hate taking the tube.

because i have been ill and have had the course i havent been to the gym all week. there is no point in going when you aint feeling too good. have made the mistake of going before and i just ended up feeling like i was going to be sick after 15 minutes and i was training at 50% capacity as well. no need to go if thats the case.

anyways thats it. weather has been dark and overcast most of the week, although the sun did come out today and i saw it for 15 minutes when i went to buy my lunch. rest of the time i was in a basement classroom with no windows. i really have had enough of this cold weather. its been another long cold dark winter and i am gasping for some light and warmth.

today i have mostly been listening to the white stripes - icky thump. i wouldnt call myself a fan and there was some of their stuff that i liked but then there were tunes i didnt really like, but even after all that you have to have maximum respect for them. they announced recently that they were splitting up the band. jack white is incredibly talented and alongside meg, the both of them made a heck of a noise between just the 2 of them. there are 6 piece bands that couldnt play something like this. enjoy.