Sunday, 25 November 2012

in a moment

got the call again today to play football tonight but i told them i would pass. having cycled to the gym today and done a big workout there, i dont think i would have enjoyed it and last sunday was fun for the first hour but painful for the second hour. thank goodness i didnt have a job to go to on monday as i was so sore. also rather typically of my friends, i have hardly ever got calls for  an extra football session in the warmer months of june-august, but they have started it at the end of november. 

we had torrential rain on thursday night for the last 10 minutes of our game and it also rained all day yesterday. when i say all day i mean it. it did not stop raining from when i woke up at 9:30am till i went to bed at around 12:30am. lots of towns in the west of england have been flooded and it seems to be an annual occurence now. still at least our prime minister is dealing with big issues facing humanity like climate change.oh...hang on....he has said fuck all about it. maybe they didnt teach it at eton and oxford...maybe they didnt teach him how to read...maybe they told him to do just what rupert murdoch says....

will have to chase up the lawyer dealing with all my dads estate. that man is the slowest working man in the world but maybe thats because he is charging £125/hour so i guess you would have an incentive to work slow. the slower you guy the nicer car you can afford to buy. i am guessing he drives a lamborghini given how slow he dealing with all my stuff. will send him a gentle reminder as i would like to get all the things done before the end of the year. i have the time to deal with all this shit at the moment and i really dont want it dragging on into january when i will be looking for potential new contracts. have applied for a few things but i dont think anything will happen before 2013. goodbye 2012. in may of this year i had the worst days of my life and i will be glad to start a new one. 

today i have mostly been listening to stereophonics - in a moment. 

i saw this film a couple of nights ago. it was very good. 

Monday, 19 November 2012

public enemy

it was a lovely sunny crisp winters day yesterday so i cycled to the gym and had the mother of all workouts yesterday. the creatine supplement is really kicking in now and i am lifting 15% more weight than i was just 2 weeks ago. when i got home i got a message from the guys i play football with and they said they were going to have a sunday night game, so i went to that as well.

whilst pleasant in the winter sunshine, the temperature plummeted once the sun went down and it was freezing to be playing in it last night. the other issue was that we had booked the pitch for 2 hours. you find yourself in a viscous circle after a while, where you get tired and so you dont run around as much, but then its so cold that all your muscles ache and so you cant run around even if you want to get warmer so you end up getting progressively colder and colder and your muscles ache more and more and there is nothing you can do about it. by the end of the game i was shattered. still, its all good fun and got to be done. 

heard from a friend of mine and it looks like his marriage is falling apart. i remember a couple of months back he said his wife didnt like him getting drunk so often, but all he seems to write on facebook is how big a night he had and how wasted he got. you read this stuff and think your missus aint going to like that, maybe you should calm down. i dont drink so i cant sympathise but if it came to a choice between getting drunk or your wife, you would think you would choose your wife. he chose the booze. anyways it looks like its going to end soon i think. people got shit going on. 

was going to go to the gym tomorrow but instead i think i will concentrate on cutting down a tree in the garden. need to get shit like this done whilst i have the time. will go to the gym on wednesday. hopefully swedish lingerie model is going for her usual midweek work out as well.

had a call about a 2 month contract at an investment bank. told them i would do it and the fact that its 2 months is good. those places are brain cemeteries and i dont want to spend too long in one. just enough time to top up my bank account and get me into the new year.  

today i have mostly been listening to public enemy - harder than you think. wicked tune. 

Sunday, 11 November 2012


after my close shave with a white van driver, it would appear that olympic time trial champion and current tour de france winner, bradley wiggins was not quite as lucky. what is it with people that drive white vans?. actually there are 3 vehicles you have to watch out for. white van drivers, taxi drivers, and people who drive 2 seater bmws like the Z3 and Z4. Z4's are almost exclusively driven by complete idiots

again on saturday a z4 came charging up from behind me just as i was coming to a left turn and he had just got about 2 meters in front of me before he made a sharp left right across me. he could clearly see i was there because it was daylight and he came from far behind me, but because he was a Z4 driver he was a dickhead and its normal behaviour for them. as i passed him at the traffic light he was stopped at, i shouted across to him "is it only cunts that are allowed to buy Z4's or can anyone else get one, you fucking wanker!!". 

again, i know its a little agressive and leary to say that to someone but there is no way in hell i could lose a fight to someone driving a Z4. this guy looked like he went to the gym but only to use the sunbed and besides, i am juiced up on creatine the last couple of weeks and that shit is like miracle grow. i am miles stronger than i was a few weeks ago. had he got out and fancied himself as a pugilist he might have needed to go to a dentist to replace some teeth instead of just getting them whitened as it looked like he was going for that american newsreader look.

in other news, i passed my windows server 2012 exam. there aren't any other 2012 exams out that moment that i could do even if i wanted to so it looks like thats me done for a few weeks at least. 

had lunch with a friend of mine who said there was a job going at his place and that he would like to hire me for it. i told him i would go for it but i did make clear that i did not want the fact that i knew him to prejudice the process and that i would prefer if someone else would interview me and for them to take references from other employers i had been at and not from where i worked with him at. i would want the job because i was the best person out there and not for any other reason. will see what happens. 

today i have mostly been listening to tori amos - winter. fantastic song and performance. 

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

the cure

have been studying for an exam and i have it tomorrow. its a windows 2012 server upgrade exam so if i get it, i wont have to take any more microsoft exams for at least 3 or 4 years. i think i probably will end up doing other exams but if i wanted to just quit doing exams i could after tomorrow and for a very long time. 

as is always the case, the more i study, the more i train and i have done my best training for months over the last couple of weeks. i feel markedly stronger and thats because i have also been back to taking a supplement. let me state, that i dont drink, or smoke or do drugs or even take any tablets for headaches or colds. if things get really bad i might drink a hot lemon drink or take a paracetemol but even that is rare. 

i have though taken a muscle building supplement containing creatine which is legal and not a banned substance. its like taking multi vitamins or protein shakes or something similar. i used to take it a couple of years ago but then i just stopped and wanted to see if would make a difference. 2 weeks ago i bought some more and even in 2 weeks i can feel the difference. i am no lance armstrong, but that shit is good. 

no word regarding new contracts and strangely enough i am still not worried. have got enough other stuff regarding all my dads stuff to get sorted out. am having to deal with santander, my bank and my lates fathers bank, and as has been the case when i have dealt with them they are being complete fucktards. someone please grow a brain and use some sense instead of just being a form filller. this is what seperates us from the machines. intelligence. 

today i have mostly been listening to the cure - disintegration. i usually try and post a mix of my favourites and some new songs that i hear on the radio or internet, but i have not been listening to the radio too much because they have been playing a song by a new solo 'artist' that i fucking hate because it represents everything that is wrong in music in 4 minutes. 

its a song called 'two fingers' by a new singer called jake bugg and the radio station insists on playing it every hour and it annoys me like crazy whenever i hear it. its just generic indie guitar music thats unoriginal and insipid and just shit. they are lauding him up as the next bright new singer songerwriter of this year but to me he may as well be an x-factor contestant, because i hear no talent or originality but clearly record companies and media companies have decided to playlist the shit out of his records in the hope of gaining the 18-34 demographic for advertisers. obviously i am not going to post a link to it because that would defeat the purpose of what i just said but if you like generic guitar music sung by blokes with shaggy hair cuts and wearing jeans along the lines of late oasis, razorlight, graham coxon, blur, and some artic monkeys then look him up. 

if you like music that isnt a direct copy of 60s british pop music but is original and interesting and clever then listen to mr smith and his band, the cure. what a stunning song. great mucical arrangement that clearly took a bit of effort to put together and more than just 3 chords on a guitar. there  is so much to listen to instrumentally before he even starts singing and when the vocal does start its not in a fake northern/american accent trying to sound like liam gallager in a whiny voice, but a real singing voice that contains emotions, and then you listen to what he is singing and its not verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge chorus, but has a unique flow that tells the story lyrically in interesting and thoughful ways. its the exact opposite of what those twats like the NME and Radio 1 ( and unfortunately Xfm with the exception of Eddie TM and john kennedy) play incessantly. this does not get played on the radio, has not been on a commercial, is not going to be a ringtone. enjoy.