Friday, 26 April 2013

Fuck off Rupert

still no word from the hedge fund but the longer it goes the smaller the chances become. i also got a call about another contract and the agent went through the job spec and i said it sounded good. at the end he told me it was for news international at which point i told him i would not do it. there is no fucking way i am working for rupert murdoch. i would rather be looking through bins for food before i took any of his grubby notes. 

strangely enough on the job spec it did not specifically say i would have to violate the privacy of murdered children, dead servicemen, victims of terrorist attacks and the parents of children murdered by sex offenders, bribe police and politicians, blackmail children but then it did not say i would NOT be doing that either and there is no telling what i might get asked to do whilst working for news international. i decided not take any chances and declined, like anyone with an ounce of morality would do, and thats saying something because i work for hedge funds and investment banks and they are hardly pillars of virtue. 

i think we had the hottest day of the year today. it was so beautiful sometimes its hard to take it all in. i did a bit of work in the garden and finished off painting the kitchen. getting shit done. 

in my last post i went off on the new daft punk single which is absolute shite. i understand a lot of people will not want to listen to the cure and editors all the time and that there is a place for some good catchy pop music. shit, if everyone liked what i like it would be a dull world. anyways, here is an example of good pop music that they play at my gym. good voice, good chorus and good tune. 

Sunday, 21 April 2013


still no word from the hedge fund as the guy who is managing the department and who interviewed me put his back out and his been off work since then. also heard there might be something going at a commodities trading firm so maybe some news from that place this week. either way, shit is dragging on and on. 

still, no bother as i have been doing a lot of work in the garden and also i repainted the kitchen and living room. need to use the down time i have to get shit done because there is no chance once i start working.

weather has improved a lot and we have lost the bitter cold. we have had a few nice sunny days, but really, its what should be expected in a normal spring time as opposed to snow and freezing weather which we had all the way into april. decent weather has motivated me as i have been training like a beast at the gym.

no other news. am really missing NY, LA and san francisco recently, but i am not sure if i will get to go this year. i have had enough time off already and i dont think i can justify taking holiday this year. 

here is alt-j - something good. some of their stuff sounds like pretentious wank but this is very good. speaking of shite, i heard the new daft punk/pharrell williams track and its fucking awful. i have the first NERD cd and i also like daft punk but the single just sounds like generic rubbish. it will probably sell a lot because its dull and has a catchy chorus like most of the shit that gets into the charts. there is a place for good pop music but that new song is not it. 

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

holy esque

had my interview at the hedge fund i worked at over a year ago and it went ok but not as well as i would have liked. they gave me a technical test and i aced all the windows server, active directory and vmware questions but i was shit on citrix and SCCM. it was only after leaving the test as i was walking to the station that a lot of the answers came into my head of what i should have written. no fucking good for me whilst walking to the train. i needed them 10 minutes earlier in the conference room. they said they would let me know. i am pretty sure they will have someone else lined up that can do better than what i did. shit, i could do better than what i did. 

today i have mostly been listening to holy esque - st. its quite hard to hear all the lyrics, but it sounds interesting. 

Sunday, 7 April 2013


i didnt get the job at the internet place. it was an online glambling site and i am glad it did not work out as my mum would not have been happy about that. in a strange twist, i got a call again about a permanent job and a contract at the hedge fund i worked at last year so i will see what happens with that. have been told they would be keen to see me so we will see if thats the case this week. 

am also having to deal with recruitment agents and once again its reminded me how shitty and unscrupulous some of them can be. i shall not go into details but lets just say they are big pain. 

having been training well the last few weeks since getting back from my trip and i have made it back to where i was before i left. its taken a while but we are almost there and now when i go to the gym its nice to be able to push myself to my maximum capacity as opposed to not being able to lift weights i know i was lifting 2 months ago and having to build up that conditioning again. 

weather has been bloody awful. we had snow last week and today was the first day in a very long time that the sun actually came out and the temperature got nearly to double figures. its april and people are still wearing scarves and hats and gloves. i am when i cycle to the gym. i cycled last week and it was a thoroughly unpleasant experience. you know its cold when aside from your hands and nose getting cold, your feet are so cold that they go numb. it was april and i couldnt feel my feet they were that cold. i just know its going to be a shit summer. its been a shit winter and a shit spring so i doubt its going to turn into a southern california summer in a month. 

i watched the film detachment today. it was very very good indeed. if you want to watch something with a little bit of substance and emotion as opposed to child wizards, comic superheroes or fantasy epics, i suggest you get hold of it.

today i have mostly been listening to deadprez - no way as the way. good tune.