Wednesday, 12 April 2017

men in their cars

i own 1 car, but i have an access to another car which i also sometimes drive. my car is a large moderately expensive german saloon car and the other car is a small cheaper car. the large car is the type of executive saloon usually driven by men, whereas the other small car is the type of car usually drive by women. 

because my gym is towards central london, i usually take the small car. its better to drive in the small traffic clogged roads and its easier to find a parking space. i think its a very good and practical city car. it does not show other road users how large my cock is, or how wealthy i am, but its a good car. 

i am a slow careful drive and i have noticed something interesting. whenever i take the big car, i dont have any problems or issues, but whenever i take the small car, i get constantly beeped at, and get assholes driving aggressively behind me. it must be because of the car, because i drive the same way in both. 

a few weeks ago, an uber cab got close behind me and staring honking his horn. further down the road i stopped at a light and he pulled alongside. he looked across at me and i am pretty sure he was not expecting to see a man driving that car and was probably not expecting the volley of abuse i was shouting at him. needless to say, he did not say a word and drove off hastily as the lights changed.  

yesterday a similar thing happened only this time it was a van driver. pulling up really close behind me and being aggressive. i am pretty sure, he did it because of the car i was in. what must it be like for women driving and having to put up with that shit all the time. i only have to put up with it a couple times a week and have the benefit of being able to shout abuse back at whoever it is. anyway, i deliberately slowed down and drove at 18 mph and slower than the traffic ahead of me all the way down the road and while he was behind me. oddly enough, he seemed to be getting more and more irate. fuck you, you cunt. you cant intimidate me. not only that, i will drive slower just to annoy you more than you already were. 

run the jewels - kill your masters.