Wednesday, 12 July 2017

the man

had an interview a couple days ago. the recruitment agent called me the day before to just talk through the role and also to say that the manager that was interviewing me was hard to hear and mumbled and did not finish sentences. what???!!!.

anyways, i went to the interview and he was exactly right. i had to lean forward every time he spoke and strained to hear what he was mumbling. its one thing to ask someone to speak a little louder, but its awkward to ask someone to speak clearer and pronounce words properly. he spoke like he was a ventriloquist and barely moved his mouth. there were a few times when i did not hear what he said, which explains why i got a call today saying i did not get it.

he was a bit of a dick. he did that shitty thing of asking me an obscure question that he had clearly googled before the interview, about what the minimum required bandwidth is to use VMware Fault tolerance to replicate a 4vCPU machine to another site. i said i did not know, to which he replied i should seeing as i hold the certification. prick.
he then said the answer, which i was not able to hear, and then said, not many people have links that fast anyway. OK. so you just ask me an irrelevant question on a technology that you are not using anyway. what was the fucking point of that?!.

he also kept going on about PCI (payment card industry) compliance and if i had worked anywhere that used it. i said i had not, to that standard specifically, but had worked in plenty of hedge funds and investment banks that were very strict on compliance and security and which were always being audited and checked. he seemed unimpressed and dismissive that other organisations could use their own strict compliance standards that were more stringent that he did.
all that false confidence was all undone later in the interview when he said they still ran windows 2003 and when i asked him if they had extended support and patched it, he said they did not. i asked him if he was concerned about wannacry viruses and other exploits that had recently been used to target servers and he said he was not. ifyour compliance standard allows you to use 14 year old unpatched operating systems them it is fucking weak.

what a dickhead. hope your network gets fucked you patronising obnoxious mumbling prick. you think you are the man, but you aint.

this is class