Tuesday 9 July 2024

Held by a shiver

 Had another interview at a hedge fund today, and it was a place that interviewed me about 10 years ago, and did not offer me the role at that time. I remember that at the time they ran Hyper-V and some obscure storage system i had barely head of, because clearly they thought everyone else was wrong running vmware and EMC or Netapp or 3par or HP. 

anyway i had my interview today with the head of the windows team and it lasted about 30 minutes and we covered things in very broad overview. at one point we were talking about my current role and i was explaining their vsphere setup and how they did not run DRS at my current place, because they have plenty of capacity and prefer to have their servers allocated to each host manually. he seemed incredulous that they did not run DRS, which i thought was a bit rich coming from a firm that runs Hyper-V in 2024!. Hyper-V was trash a decade ago and its still trash. 

he also asked my if i was more interested in on-prem infrastructure or cloud, and i said i was interested in both but that the level of innovation and services in the cloud was something i found very interesting. i don't think that was the answer Mr Windows-running-on-Hyper-V-but-soon-to-be-migrated-to-Vsphere was looking for. 

after the interview i looked up the guy who was interviewing me on linkedin again and his career has been nothing but on prem infrastructure and zero cloud exposure or certifications. in hindsight he was never going to like my answer. 

about 3 hours after the interview i got a message saying they would not call me back. i could not care less. you did not ask me about AWS or git or terraform or containers or ansible or docker or kubernetes or anything modern or new or interesting. 

i am off on holiday in 2 weeks and i will see what i can get when i return and if i am out of work for a period of time, i will learn more linux and kubernetes in my spare time. keep your job and keep doing that old shit. 

you are probably right in that i would not be a good fit in your team. i might start talking about stuff you have no clue about and i would lose interest quickly doing noddy work and i would probably leave in a year. 

this song is amazing.