it was my first week of work at my new place and it was ok. as is usual it took a day or two to get into the swing of things but slowly we are getting back into it and starting to do some work. there are 3 other people in the department and they have all been nice and patient with me in this first week.
being the outside contractor can be a bit awkward when you are joining a bunch of people that have known each other and worked together for years, but its been ok. actually i can see why people are reluctant to change jobs and why i had been for years. you get to know how everything fits together and you know everyone and how the oraganisation works and its quite something to leave all that behind and go somewhere where you are a newbie. throwing away that comfort of knowing everyone and everything is not easy for most people to do, but actually i really am liking it at the moment. this is my second job in the space of 8 months and i feel i am learning things and gaining knowledge and that feels really good and if i don't like it, i know i will leave soon and try something new elsewhere. with each passing day i feel more and more confident.
i used to think i would go places and find myself hopelessly out of my depth and would just make a fool of myself and fortunately that has not been the case. my confidence is growing each day and even if this place doesn't work out and they decide after a couple of weeks they don't want me to stay for longer thats ok as well. even in the space of one week i have learned things i didn't know before and so it will have been worth it.
my contract is initially for 3 months with a view to extending for 3 months at a time after that. my intention is to see what is out there and hopefully get something better if i can find it. april 22nd is the end of my initial period and that works out well for me because i think its february, march and april were a lot of recruitment and good positions open up. people leave banks after they have got there bonuses and also budgets and projects for the year are all starting up at the beginning of the year. we shall see how it goes.
anyways i also bought tickets for editors who are playing in march and i am going to angels and airwaves again in april. i was going to get tickets for radiohead but they are £47 which is pretty expensive, so i gave it a miss. besides none of my friends here are really into radiohead apart from me and i didn't want to go on my own or buy someone a £47 so they can come with me when they aren't really into them.
stayed in this evening. feeling sore. i strained my shoulder at the gym a couple of weeks ago and it still ain't right and i had football last night and we played for an hour and half non stop. i have also been waking up at 6 everyday and so am feeling pretty tired.
anyways thats it. today i have mostly been listening to interpol - untitled. awesome song.
take care beautiful.
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