we got into santa fe around 2pm and after checking into the hotel my friend said he was hungry...again. we found an indian restaurant and headed in. i ordered a main course of chicken and rice and then after a being a little rude with the waiters in the restaurant my friend ordered a starter, 2 main courses and a side dish. i know he self conscious when they bought all the food over to our table, and all this from someone who constantly talked about losing weight and his fitness regime and how much running he did and how often he worked out. it was all bullshit. if you saw him on the street you would just think he was a slob who had never been near a gym let alone the 6 times a week fitness junkie he proffessed to be.
when his food came out it took the waiter 2 trips to bring everything out, and those waiters can do the thing where they hold a plate in each hand and balance one on their forearms. it looked ridiculous the amount of food he ordered. a couple of minutes later he called the waiter over and asked for a diet pepsi. DIET pepsi. why?, because you are concerned about your diet?. you must be joking. a clear case of someone fooling themselves.
anyway the waiter brings the pepsi over and after a few sips he says to me "i think this is regular full pepsi and not diet". looking at the mountain of food in front of him i said "dude, i don't think its going to make much difference if its diet or not". he gave me a stern look and carried on stuffing his face.
anyways, fueled up with his mammoth lunch we headed out into the town of santa fe, which is a quaint little market town, though completely over run by bus loads of tourists. shit, i can't complain about too many tourists because i was a tourist myself, but i bet its much nicer out of season in the spring or fall when its not so crowded. still it was a very nice town and had almost a southern european feel to it. we went into a really nice church that looked very old and thats where i took some pics.
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