in the mall i stumbled upon an arcade and it had a few classic games in there that i hadn't played in years like sega rall, daytona USA and time crisis, and each game was 50 cents. i had a couple of games on the sega rally but i had lost my mojo after not having played it in about 7 years, but i was confident that an hour or two of practice would get me back to where i had once been. its like riding a bike. you never lose it.
but my friend was waiting in the car park and i knew had moody he would be so i had to leave it after 15 minutes. we then headed to pacific beach and then in the evening went to cranes to get something to eat.
we also decided to stay in san diego the next day as well and then leave for LA the day after. it meant we would have had 3 days in san diego, which was longer than any other place we had stopped in. its just a really great town with nice people and a nice chilled southern california atmosphere.
my friend also said he wanted to go across the border to mexico and visit tijuana. great news for me as i would be able to ditch him for the day, and i told him he should go for it, and said he should drop me off at pacific beach, PB, in the morning and i would catch up with him when he got back from mexico.
the next day we drove to PB, and he told me he had changed his mind about mexico and was going to stay in san diego. shit!!!. i should have known he would have pussey'd out of going. he just liked the idea of going to mexico but when it came to doing it, he was too lazy or couldn't be bothered. it was kind of like our whole trip. i think he liked the idea of driving across america and although he did do it, he had no enthusiasm to see anything or do anything. knowing that i would not be going to tijuana, which i have reliably be informed by V, is a shit hole, i think he decided he couldn't be bothered. anyways, i told him i planned on staying at the beach most of the day and i did get rid of him for a couple of hours when he went to do his laundry and when he went to eat.
later in the eveing we went to mission beach and got something to eat and then went to get an ice cream. i had spoken to ice cream vendor the day before and he told me he was from port alegre in brazil. we immediately started talking about brazil and football and ronaldinho (ronaldinho is from port alegre as well).
my friend stood there bored senseless. i also commented that after only 6 months in the US, the ice cream vendor spoke very good english. he then asked my friend how long he had been speaking english, in a carbon copy of the valet guy earlier in our trip. i just burst out laughing and was almost rolling around on the floor, as my friend explained he was born in england and that unlike me, who spoke like he was in england, he was being more accomadating to the local americans by changing the way he spoke so he could be understood. whatever dude!. he was not amused by my bellowing laughter and not too pleased that the brazilian guy had also joined in laughing with me.
we all speak english, its just that i speak it in the way i have since i could talk whereas some people put on a ridiculous fake non-english, none american accent, in a silly attempt to fit in. i asked the brazilian guy what his friends in brazil would think of him if he went back after a few weeks or months of being away and he spoke portugese with an accent. he agreed that his friends would make fun of him and rightly so. my friend was not amused whilst we carried on laughing.
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