Saturday, 11 October 2008

a second shot

Guess what?........i still don't have a login, computer or desk at my new job and its been 2 weeks now. i have done absolutely no work at all but have billed them the equivalent of a few thousand dollars. i don't know who my manager is and i don't know hardly anyone i am supposed to be working with because i sit at a spare desk with the UNIX team and not near the windows server guys. its been ok though because i have been studying like a beast and i took another exam this week on top of the one i took last week. but looking at it on a proffessional level, its a very poor way to treat a new starter even if they are a contractor like me.

......and then in a twist of fate one evening i was just randomly browsing to see if any jobs were out there and i saw a job spec of something that looked similar to something i went for about 8 months ago. i sent my resume off to it and the next day i got a call back from the recruiter asking when i might be available, to which i replied that i was available immediately (didn't tell them i just started somewhere new). i then asked the recruiter about the company that was looking to hire and it turns out its exactly the same job at the company i saw 8 months ago. i almost landed it then but they ended up going with someone who worked there before, though i know that the guy that interviewed me at the time was pretty impressed with me. it seems that the other guy they hired instead of me must have left because they need to fill the position again.

fingers crossed i can go one better and land this job. i know it would be just perfect. if not i will have to carry on that bank. it won't be the end of the world but it would be really really nice to get this other job.

today i have been mostly listeing to air traffic - shooting star. have a listen, V, if you get a chance. its the kind of thing you would like.

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