Monday, 9 February 2009

love lockdown

you know that thing you get sometimes when you get a song in just running through your head all day. well today i have the song 'lovelock down' by kanye west running round my head all day and i found myself mumbling it to myself at my desk. 
..."i'm not loving you....way i wanted to...."

its the start of my second week at the new place. still being shown little bits and pieces and hopefully over the next few days i can get stuck into doing some proper work. you can only surf the net so much, although i have started a little bit of stocktrading on the side, and am going to try and make the money for my ticket to los angeles, so it almost works out like a free plane ticket. in 2 days i already made a quarter of the money i need. thats not bad going at all though i would not be so bold as to say its skills, but just luck. 

went to the gym this weekend and had a good workout both days. my gym is a corporate gym and you don't get too many musclebound meat-heads there posing in front of mirrors in their lycra vests, which is good. saying that though it does lower the bar a little and not boasting or anything, but i don't see too many people lifting more than me when i am there. 

this weekend though there were a couple of new faces there and there was one guy who wasn't that big but who was lifting silly amounts of weights. he was miles stronger than me, and yet didn't look like a meat-head. it kind of gave me motivation to push on a little more and not settle for what i am doing, not that i have not been pushing it already but it just showed how much more i could improve. i doubt i will end up lifting quite as much as that guy because i do cycling and football and i need to keep relatively lean as well but i can see there is much more potential to improve. 

one other thing i have noticed at the gym is that why is that fat old guys walk around the gym with their cocks hanging out. its fucking ridiculous. put it away dude, you are not at home. there are other people here that really don't want to see your bits. none of the younger guys who are into fitness do it. just the unfit fat older guys. 

on saturday mornings there are swimming classes for kids and some dads bring their young sons and daughters in, and they all get changed together in the mens locker room. there was a little girl who was about 6 or 7 with her dad, and yet there was some old codger walking round with his bits hanging out even though she was there. i nearly felt like going over to him and saying there are children here so put it away fella but i guess the last thing you want to do is get into a fight with a fat naked guy. oh god, how gross would that be. 

went out on friday night to smiths of smithfields and had a nice evening. met up with a couple of people i used to work with at the internet company. i do like smiths though. really nice place to just go for a drink or even get something to eat on the 2nd floor. i think i will go again next week. actually i just this minute arranged it with a friend of mine and we are going next tuesday. wicked. 

today i have mostly been listening to kanye west - love my head. 

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