daniel, by bat for lashes.
have put the music video at the top of my post today as its just too good.
anyways, i am on earlies this week. getting up at 6.30am was tough on monday but you get used to it and tomorrow i will probably be up before my alarm goes off. good thing about earlies is that i miss the main parts of the rush hour in the mornings and evenings. calm journey into work though there are still a lot of people about. from the look of it, a lot of them seem like investment bank types scurrying to their jobs hoping they won't get found out for being frauds and trying to squeeze one more year of fat pay cheques in. i don't have the heart to tell them the partys over dude.
they stand there feverishly tapping away on their blackberrys. some days there are so many people with them on the train, i think i am the only person in london with out a blackberry. everyday when i am putting on my jeans and trainers i give thanks i don't work in an investment bank any more and that i left on my own terms out of choice.
work has been ok but this week we are back to our normal quota of staff and so there are 3 of us in everyday. i preferred it when there was only 2 of us, as it meant i was a bit busier. its fine though. i can handle it and its only 2 contract renewals to get me through most of this year.
bought a second external hard drive and it arrived yesterday. figured i had quite a collection of films and music and that i really ought to have a backup. have barely bought hardly any cds for a few years now, not since bands and record companies made it free to download it all off the internet. who said they are just corporations interested in profit. not true at all, since the record and film companies launched the bit torrent free downloading service. :-).
it was inevitable that the net would change things and its so nice to see music embrace the changes....or not as the case may be. bono and u2 really are rock dinosaurs and are just cash monkeys these days. they used to be a great band. unforgettble fire is one of the greatest albums ever....ever!. its up there with disintegration by the cure and that really is saying something.
anyways i paid for a digital download of the bat for lashes song from play.com . the money was not going to a tax evader with homes in ireland, new york and france and who runs a private equity firm, so its ok.
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