i also installed the new windows 7 release candidate on my laptop at home. despite being microsoft certified to the eyeballs i am not a fan of everything that comes 'straight outta redmond', and i only ran windows vista for a few days because i discovered after a few hours it was a piece of shit. windows 7 is much better though. its not a revelation but it does work, which is more than can be said of vista. have been getting all my music and picture libraries nicely organised. the mindless trivialities of my life.
last night i went to see beyonce perform at the o2. a friend of mine had a spare ticket and asked me if i wanted it. its not the kind of thing i would buy a ticket for, but i won't turn down a free ticket for beyonce. it actually turned out to be better than i thought. she really is a very very good performer. i thought she would be good, but i was surprised just how good she actually was.
its the european cup final tonight. i shall be hoping the artists from barcelona win. they are a great team and i don't think i could stomach watching another smug interview from alex ferguson. at least if they lose you will get to see him for what he is really like, which is an ungracious whining fucker. he will probably blame the referee, or diving 'foreign' players conning the referee, or that there was not enough added on time, or that they had 3 stonewall penalties not given, or he will say they were the better team and deserved to win. the usual shit he comes out with. it might be nice if one day he actually congratulated the opposition in defeat. there is always a first time.....but i won't hold my breath.
today i have mostly been listening to casual mafia - douchebag anthem.
i actually know a couple of people like this. double pop collars, what the fuck is that about?. why wear 2 polo shirts???. a friend of mine did that exact thing a couple of weeks ago. trucker caps, sweat bands, tight t-shirts, party pics on facebook, bottle service...all that shit. one of them keeps suggesting i go out on a night out with them, but i always politely decline. i have seen the pics on his facebook page.
whats a nice way of saying your friends all look like like a bunch of cunts and i would rather eat hair, than hang around with that group of waxed chest, blinged up, trust fund kids who are living off the money from their parents mobile phone shops, grocery store or building firm?. someone on the youtube page has commented that it describes the majorty of the population of los angeles. ha ha ha!!. london as well mate.
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