Monday, 24 August 2009


am starting to make a few mistakes at work. my concentration levels are very low and trivial simple installs are becoming full of errors. my holiday can not come soon enough for me and my sanity. work is ok but its just becoming such a slog and the days are passing slower recently.
i wil also update my cv when i get back from the states. the time to move on is drawing ever nearer and it will be either at the end of this year or the beginning of next year.

a pleasant journey on the train to work this morning as usual. some twat kept bumping into me with his ruksack. do people forget they are wearing them?. stop turning around and bumping into me with it. stand still you idiot. also had some other guy breathing all over me. standing in warm stale air as it is, but now i had this chump exhaling directly on me. its just such a shit way to travel it really is. envornmentally it make sense to take mass transit and if run efficiently, its a great way to travel, but in the rush hour in london, it fucking shit. it just is. a great way to start the week.

new lotus notes admin has started today on the bank of desks opposite me. christ, he must be the 4th one in the last 7 months. they go through them like crazy here. what the fuck is going in that team. maybe they all leave because after a few weeks they have saved enough money to go on an exchange course. ha ha ha!!.

today i have mostly been listening to jamie T - sticks and stones. chav rap. usually i would hate this type of thing, but actually i quite like this song. he has some good lyrics. rap music usually deals with drive by shootings and low riders. this one has things like missing the last train home and having a cup of tea after he finds out his old girlfriend was out with some other guy.

take care v. i might see you in a few weeks.

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