even the hardcore cyclists seemed to have not bothered to come out and do circuits around regents park. i am running slick tyres, but when you are running skinny slick tyres on a carbon bike that cost 3 grand, you don't want to take the risk of dropping it. fair dues, i wouldn't have gone out either if i had a really nice bike. in the pic below is where i cross that canal at regents park, and it was completely frozen over. it looked like it was pretty thick as well.

aside from that its been same as always. my boss is back at work today but he has put his shoulder out and so its pretty much me flying solo again today. i do have someone to ask questions so its better than it was last week.
today i have mostly been listening to nine inch nails - the big come down. trent reznor gives away his music for free and he also started giving away high defninition footage from concerts away for free. you would think that if something is free that it would be shit but conversely this is the most expensive and intricate stage and lighting show i have ever seen (i was there in knoxville, tennessee to see it live).
in a world where rockstars are just about building big houses and buying yachts whilst at the same time lecturing us how we need to preserve precious resources and inequality, i have immense repect for what mr reznor stands for. he just doesn't seem to be obsessed about making as much money as he possibly can or about self promotion and he isn't obessesed with putting a monetary value on what is his passion. i am sure he has got a nice house in LA and is not short of a few quid, but u2 and madonna have more money than him and still whore themselves out to blackberry or gap and are only famous now not for the quality of their work but for how high they are in the top grossing celebrities list in forbes magazine.
for u2 and madonna and all the big greedy artists, i should have posted janes addiction - whores, but i will leave that for another time.
instead, just enjoy this and if you want to download a whole show edited by fans who took the free footage and edited it, and are distributing it for free, then just go here. bono must be thinking that trent could have sold that for 15.99 on DVD and with the money he made from it he could have added a tennis court to his property and also installed a wine cellar and a humidor for his cohiba's. i bet bono must be thinking that trent must literally have nine inch nails in his brain to do something so silly.
it gives you faith in humankind.
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