hadn't been down to st pauls for my lunch this week as the weather was a bit dull and showery. went today. its a nice spot. i have a new mobile phone with a decent camera on it so i might start taking some more pics.

been sat with another team for 4 days now. its been about as useful as a one legged man at an arse kicking contest. basically the stuff they have been telling me could have been explained to me just as clearly if they had drawn a few visio diagrams. there is little value in sitting up here with them, despite what the bosses think. also seeing as no one has told me exactly what the remit of my role will be, i don't know exactly what is relevant or not. its all fun and games here.
just sat with one of the guys that was talking me through the windows domain structure of one part of the bank. with out getting techie about it, it was a complete mess. which idiot came up with that strategy. it basically means you end up having to have 5 different users accounts to log into a server, depending on what server it is. they have 9 domains in the develelopment environment and 3 domains in UAT and 2 production domains, its ridiculous. i think by my occasional responses of 'oh really', 'thats different', 'interesting' as it was explained to me, might have given away what i really thought, which was 'you do know that this is a horse shit way of arranging your network?, you do know that, don't you....?'.
still, i did follow the golden rule of contracting which is never to offer an opinion even if someone asks you, and even if you are asked, don't be too critical. the idiot who came up with the dumb ass plan is probably still working here, and they might not like it if some contractor who has been there 3 weeks, says its the shittiest and most unintuitive design he has ever seen in his not incosiderable career in IT.
in other news, i am still applying. not a sniff of anything coming through. maybe i am the dumb ass. there i was mocking other peoples network designs and yet the people that see my cv might be thinking i am the idiot. actually thats not plausible. its probably that mid summer slump as people take holidays and things slow down. even when i take the train in the morning, its not the usual mosh pit it usually is. something will come through soon. it just depends on how long soon is. please get me out of here. pretty please with sugar on top, get me the fuck out!.
sat in on their weekly team meeting today. 1 hour of talking about processes and raising particular types of tickets and requests. basically the kind of knowledge that is valuable at this bank, but completely useless anywhere else. i just glazed over and was watching the film goodfellas in my head whilst they were rabbiting on about it. "go home and get your fuckin' shinebox". what a classic film.
tonight is the first football in a month. world cup has been on tv and its been essential viewing every evening and seeing as it only comes round every 4 years, that takes priority over football. it takes priority over everything, but there is no game tonight on tv so we can play. its lovely and warm so it should be a nice evening for it.
today i have mostly been listening to ...to be filled in tonight when i get home.