dress down day today for charity, and its the usual misture of bad jeans, white trainers and t-shirts tucked in. who tucks a t-shirt into their jeans and when has the looked cool?. who sees simon cowell on tv and thinks i want to dress like that fella and be smart and casual at the same time.
some good news on the job front. not for me but the unix guy who sits next to me and who was getting a hard time from his boss. he got a new contract at a very good bank (much more prestigous than this place), and he is going to resign next week. it all happened in a couple of days for him. he looks relieved and i am happy for him because the guy he worked with was a complete prick, and i have been in that position before and its bad bad bad. hopefully something turns up for me soon as well, though thankfully i don't work with assholes, so i think the gods of fate moved him up the list ahead of me as his need to leave was greater than mine.
its the end of the week and i had t submit my times sheets. this is the end of my 8th week here. was quite surprised when i saw that. it sounds like a long time, but also it feels like a longer time since i left my last contract. you can see how people can end up staying in jobs for months and years and not notice.
hadn't been down to st pauls for my lunch this week as the weather was a bit dull and showery. went today. its a nice spot. i have a new mobile phone with a decent camera on it so i might start taking some more pics.

cycled to the gym yesterday but would rather have been playing football. i think i am going to start studying for an exam this weekend if i can get my sorry ass motivated. its been 7 months since i took an exam and thats a long time for me. need to keep pushing and keep the pressure on. am training hard at the gym and i want to leave my job, and so all the conditions for getting study done are in place. if i land a good contract doing interesting work i will never get certified in SQL.hadn't been down to st pauls for my lunch this week as the weather was a bit dull and showery. went today. its a nice spot. i have a new mobile phone with a decent camera on it so i might start taking some more pics.

thats all folks, take care.
today i have mostly been listening to noel gallagher - there is a light that never goes out. i wanted to post the new single from interpol instead but they played it last night on the radio and i hate to say it, but i didn't think it was that good, and i only post songs i really really like. the new single just sounded a bit 'meh'. their previous stuff was wicked and paul banks solo stuff sounded better.
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