Monday, 10 December 2012


am training like a beast recently. am coming up to a peak of conditioning that i have not been at many times and it feels good. am lucky that i have time during the day to do stuff around the house and in the evening once or twice a week and on the weekend i can go to the gym and train hard and not have to worry about rushing back. 

i feel very lucky to be able to afford to not have to work and to be picky about what i apply for next. seeing as i have not heard back from the 2 places that did the phone interviews a week or two ago, its safe to assume that nothing will come up till the end of the year. i have worked in firms over christmas and there are change freezes and half the staff are on holiday on any given day. 2013 will be a fresh start. 

was checking on my training app on my phone and i am coming up to nearly 2,400km cycled. i know i only do about 80-100km a month but it was a bit of a surpise to see 2,400km. that is pretty far and further than the distance between london and rome. i have access to a car but unless its raining i resist using it and always try and cycle to the gym. have been relatively lucky with the weather so far and we have even seen the sky and a bit of sunshine recently. it is getting very cold though now. still, at least its not raining or snowing. 

am not going to play football this week either. i am not missing it yet so will pass. am also trying to do as much around the house and in the garden and garage as i can before the new year. i want to get everything done before i might have to start a new contract. chopped down a tree last week. thats like a gym work out in itself. am going to do some planting and hopefully it will be blooming come the summer. my dad always liked to have the garden full of plants and colour. 

thats it. am going to meet up with some friends before christmas and will be home doing family stuff. nice and quiet. hopefully most the lawyer stuff will be dealt with as well in the next couple of weeks. i had more hassle with my bank, santander, today but slowly we are unravelling the mess they made me. 

the days start getting longer in 12 days, not that i am counting each day down or anything. you cant tell the difference for a month or so, but psychologically its a boost and i need a boost. 

today i have mostly been listening to solange - losing you. from bruce to beyonces sister. i will listen to anything good, and this is. 

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