Saturday, 4 June 2022


Jesus Christ is London full of twats. was out driving with my little boy in the car after taking him to the library and some idiot in a VW golf starts tailgating me. the speed limits have all been set to 20mph where i live, and its a good thing if it prevents accidents and saves lives.......unless you happen to be an under-educated pleb in a 2009 dark blue VW golf. what the fuck are you doing?. what is the point of driving 6 inches away from my bumper you cockney cunt?. 

I know you hate immigrants and it must sting you inside that you have drive behind the son of an immigrant in a Benz, but its not my fault you are angry with your life that its left you having to drive a 13 year old diesel Golf. You did not work hard enough at school, you are thick as shit and you now do a shit job despite having opportunity and advantages, so be angry with yourself, dont be aggressive with me when you are driving your piece of shit. 

hey maybe he was in a rush and needed to get to work quickly. all those cocks aren't going to suck themselves.  

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