Friday 27 September 2024


 Had an interview 2 days ago which was a plane crash. It really did not go well because the interviewer just focused on networking and VPN and Load balancing and just went more and more into detail, despite me saying that i had little experience in deploying load balancers and VPNs in AWS. 

Anyway, i wrote the whole thing off and was certain i would not get a call back. Then today i do get a call from them and they said they wanted to offer me the job. eh.....why..!!!!!??????. 

anyway i accepted and we are aiming for me to start in about a months time. I have had interviews where i thought i did quite well and did not get call backs, and this interview was easily one of the worst i have had and they offer me the job. what is going on?. 

maybe they figured from looking at my resume that he knows a bit about a lot of stuff and he will pick things up that he does not know. 

I am still a bit salty about missing out on that hedge fund job a couple of months ago and the more i look into it, i realise that the guy who interviewed me was a bullshitter. On his linkedin it lists a bank that i used to work at, and he claims that in the 7 months he was there he migrated their exchange mail servers to a new version AND migrated their virus scanning application to a completely different product AND upgraded their Windows 2008 DFS servers to Windows 2019, even though Windows 2008 had been out of support for 8 months before he started working at that firm. he also claims that whilst he did 3 major migrations in 7 months he also did regular BAU server support as well. that is utter horseshit.

In other parts of his linked in he bizarrely states the forest and domain functional levels of the AD in the firms he worked at and even more bizarrely it appears as though he he too had not used Vsphere 7 in any of his roles, despite wanting me to explain why none of the firms i had worked at did not use it. 

I strongly suspect the reason he was so focused on me not having used vsphere7 exposure is because that is the version he is currently trying to migrate to, and having problems according to what he said in the interview. a few things to point out about that. 

firstly Vsphere 8 was release almost exactly 2 years ago, so the only reason you would be migrating to vsphere 7 is if you started this project a long time ago before vsphere 8 had been released in Oct 2022. that means this migration project is taking a very long time. you really are struggling and yet its really not very difficult at all. 

secondly, vsphere 7 goes end-of-life in a year from now, in october 2025, and so the clock is ticking and you could be running a virtualisation platform that is no longer receiving updates which is quite serious. VMware release a new version number every 3-4 years, so at the rate he is going, Vsphere 9 could be out by the time they are finished migrating to Vsphere 7. then when they migrate to it, some asshole can ask him why he has not used Vsphere 8. 

thirdly, its surprising that it has taken him than 2 years to complete a virtualisation platform migration, when he claims did a complete Email messaging upgrade and migration AND a virus scan deployment and migration AND a DFS migration in 7 months. 

Maybe i am wrong, but i think anyone who interrogates a potential candidate about not having used a particular old version of Vsphere, which is not the latest version, is just someone being difficult and looking for any excuse not to hire them. You did not want to hire me, for fear of potentially being compared and found out as a bullshitter. 

I am an average skill techie and have met lots of people much more skilled and knowledgeable than me.....but i also have worked in investment banks and hedge funds and private equity and with actual rocket scientists and have used Vsphere and Windows and Terraform and AWS and RedHat and Ansible and lots of other stuff..........and did I not struggle using VMware converter to perform virtual to virtual and physical to virtual migrations. 

The bullshitter did not want to get found out. carry on with your old on-prem shit that is about to become obsolete. I got a job at a large US financial services company that wants to hire me to support the infrastructure they run in AWS. I dont know it, but they still hired me because they have a feeling i can learn it, and that is what he was afraid of. all the things i have learned and could learn.  


you's a clown to me.

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