I heard back from the recruiter from the asset manager I interviewed for about 2 weeks ago, and he said the feedback had been good, but they had now found someone they would like to hire on a permanent basis, who was supposedly much stronger with powershell. He said they wanted to keep me 'engaged' in case the permie candidate fell through.
what a bunch of time wasters, and what a stupid patronising thing to tell someone. we dont want you, but if the guy we want turns out to be shit, then we will go with you, so dont give up hope, because we want to keep you 'engaged'.
fuck! its hard being a contractor being treated like shit and having to be judged by cunts. I am really starting to believe that a criteria for a lot of firms is to hire someone good, but not someone too good who might know something they dont. the hedge fund i interviewed at this time last year then did make a hire in its infrastructure team, but the guy is nowhere near my technical level. he lists trivial tasks in his experience like adding disks and resizing virtual machines. you can train a chimpanzee to do that, its really not a skill to highlight. He has no certifications in anything over the last decade, no AWS or Azure cloud experience, no linux, no ansible, no automation, no terraform, no SQL, no technical migrations no networking and basic AD. how did i get beat by that?. maybe its because there is no danger of him talking about something the hiring manager knows nothing about.
i really really hope something comes through for me in the new year. working with the team in India at my current place is a pain in the ass, and i know the guy in Pittsburgh and Texas feel the same and i think even a couple of the guys in India are not happy either. its a shitshow.
still, it could be worse. i could be living in gaza waiting for my turn to die in the genocide that is taking place.