so the asset management firm that ended up rejecting the powershell wizard, who turned out not to be a wizard, and then asked to keep me 'engaged' in the process, ended up interviewing someone else last week. I know this because the agent who is finding them candidates called me today. the feedback on this new candidate was that they did not think he was better than me, and so they rejected him, and want to still check that i might be available.
Yes!!!, i am still available!!. grow a pair and make a decision!! put up or shut up!.
what on earth are these people playing at. why are they wasting peoples time. we have interviewed lots of candidates over the last 2 months and none of them have been better than you, but we are not going to hire you and are going to find someone else.
what exactly is the criteria you are hiring on. did you not like my face?. do you not like my name?. you clearly cant find anyone else better than me, and yet you dont make me an offer even after you get constant reinforcement that there are not that many people better.
clearly knowledge and skill is not enough.
In the meantime i am still at my current place, and its still pretty shit, but i have learned a little bit more AWS and its been nice to see how it is configured in a large mission critical environment of thousands of instances and load balancers and FSx and S3 and dozens of VPC's and peering and transit gateways and the rest. the people are still unhelpful, but i like browsing the environment trying to figure out why they did certain things in a certain way.
keeping my head down and just trying to get through each week. something is going to come my way soon. hopefully a firm that is interested in utilizing people with skills as opposed to a place like my firm that does not want to utilize staff or the other firm that is looking for something other than someone with the most skills. these people be tweaking.