actually a recruiter called me on saturday about the most awesome job ever. it sounded amazing and its in a nice part of town and it was paying silly amounts of money. i talked to him today and he said that he had sent my cv but that the company was re-thinking what they wanted to do. it doesn't sound too positive at the moment, but just knowing that there is the possibility of such a role out there is heartening. if this one goes i will just have to keep looking and maybe try and find something similar.
weather was awesome this weekend. i was out on my bike and it was just lovely. we got a little glimpse of summer and i had missed her after so many months.
weighed myself at the gym a couple of weeks ago and found that i had put on 8 pounds. when its winter you become less active and also because you spend a lot of time indoors i just end up eating snacks out of boredom, more than hunger. anyways i weighed myself again on sunday and i have lost 3 pounds in just over a week, after going on a mini diet. another couple weeks of hard training and no blueberry muffins and i will be back down to my fighting weight.
i once went on holiday and got sick and I lost 28 pounds in 3 weeks. losing 3 pounds a week is nothing. :-)...only 5 (maybe 10) more to go.
today i have mostly been listening to the king - song to the siren. i only heard it last week but its turned into one of my most favourite songs ever. my friend from san diego would love it.
hope you are keeping well flower.
below is where i work. this is what my office looks like on a saturday when no one is there. to me it looks the same on a weekday because i don't know anyone or hardly talk to anyone anyways, so i may as well be working on my own in an empty office. just got to get through it i suppose but its quite lonely. memory of my friend and the memory of an infinite summer get me through it. :-)
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