lots of calls coming though about possible jobs in invstment banks, large internet companies, hedge funds and the like. a lot of these are from a couple of weeks ago but i got calls about them from the agents saying the process was taking time but still moving. we shall see how it goes. it feels like the calm before a storm. i hope so.
work was same as always today. i think i must have spoken no more than 5 sentences today in 8 hours. i did tried talking to my co-walkers but the girl who sits next to me speaks in a barely audible mumble that i can't hear what she is saying. i feel bad constantly saying "pardon", "sorry, what was that?". i bet she gets that a lot. i reckon she must think the whole world is going deaf. we aren't honey, you are talking so quietly only dogs can hear you!.
why is it that people who work in IT and computers are slightly weird?. they either have no style and wear terrible clothes ( i ain't no fashionista, but i can co-ordinate clothes so they match as opposed to wearing striped ties with a check shirt ), or they have poor interpersonal skills (the mumbler), or they have personal hygene issues ( long greasy hair and B.O) or something or other!.
buy some deoderant, plain white or blue shirts, plain dark ties and speak up!. thats all people!. shit you can remember unix commands with 14 switches afterwards and you can't remember these simple things????.
actually that reminds me, i need to get a hair cut this weekend. i haven't had hair this long in years. its been nearly 6 weeks since my last haircut. thats a long time for me. i shall relieve myself of £7 and some hair on saturday.
missed my usual wednesday night gym session this week. been waking up at 5.15am all week and am feeling strung out. if i had gone i would have probably done myself an injury or something because i wouldn't have been concentrating. going to have a killer session on saturday to make up for it. the kind of session where i can barely cycle home or lift my arms without pain. :-)
thats it really. hopefully will have some interviews soon. a couple of the jobs are really quite interesting, so fingers crossed.
today i have mostly been listening to u2 - the unfogettable fire. i don't like u2 anymore. i don't like bono anymore. they used to be good but then they just became generic stadium rock and i think they are boring. not too dissmilar to what happened to red hot chilli peppers, who were a cool funky california rock band and then turned into a band that just made albums that sounded all the same and boring. I also didn't like it when i saw u2 on the apple ipod commercial. doing commercials....what a bunch of complete sell outs.
anyways, the unfogettable fire is from when they hadn't sold out and is their best album in my opinion and this title track is arguably the best song on the album. some songs make you remember summer. this song is a winter or autum song...if you know what i mean.
take care V. i really hope you are taking care of yourself and are well.
your limey friend, nxx
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