Friday, 23 January 2009

idiotboss 'works' here

i don't know why i didn't mention it before but i have known since i started here that idiotboss works at the same bank as i do. he is an assistant vice president of one of the other divisions here. it speaks volumes that he would have a relatively senior position in an organisation like this. i wouldn't hire him to to install a pc let alone run technology in the investment banking division.

he doesn't know what DNS is and how it works let alone understand IP subnetting or access lists. he doesn't know about firewalls and routing. he doesn't know about messaging. he doesn't know about web servers. he was supposed to be a linux admin but i have worked closely with 6 or 7 linux admins in my time and he was no where near the level of any of them, and they were not all geniuses, though a couple of them were unbelieveably clever, and nearly all of them were cleverer than me.

when i first started here i had visions of him sitting near me and i would have an awkward situation to deal with but i figured he probably would steer clear of me even if he was on my floor because i suspect he didn't tell this colleagues he got fired.....and it was me who instigated it.
anyways he works in another building and i have not seen him, so that suituation never arose.

have been telling the few people that i know here that i am leaving. its all out in the open now. they have all congratulated me and nearly all of them have said "good for you, you have escaped, i am so jealous" or words to that effect.i get the feeling there are a lot of unhappy people here. it affirms it even more that i am doing the right thing, not that i had any doubts before.

i still have the winter blues but jesus, imagine how bad it would be if i knew i had to stay here for a lot longer.

will finish reading the heroin diaries in the next day or two so i will need to get some more books to read, and i really am not in the mood for technical training books and manuals at the moment. i have the winter blues and hyper-v unleashed or the cisco cookbook is not what i need right now. will go on amazon and see what i can find.

today i have mostly been listening to oasis - slideaway.

have a lovely weekend my friend.


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