Thursday, 29 January 2009

red light company

almost done. its my second to last day and like the rest of this week its been really busy.....but not doing any technical work, just chasing up various teams to get stuff done whether its cabling or san storage or other crap. basically its shit, but there are only hours left and i have done it for 4 months, so a few hours are going to feel like a walk in the park.

went for drinks with a few of the people that i work with here. i don't know many but i know a small group. ozzy and harry have not come to work today so i think they may have stayed out quite late. they seem to be getting on a lot better recently , thanks to my mediation in their disputes. i think i might go to the middle east and sort that out next.

that asshole i posted about yesterday sent me a grovelling email out of the blue apologising about stuff yesterday. very strange indeed. maybe he suddenly got a twinge of guilt for blaming shit on me that was not my fault. i told him it was no big deal and not to worry about it and that everything was cool, which ofcourse it is, because i am leaving. no need to make anything of it. i learned a while ago that its important to pick your battles and to sometimes let things slide. i let most things slide.
weather has started getting colder again. that glimpse of spring a few day ago was just a brief glimpse and we are not out of the woods yet. forecast is for london to have some of the coldest temperatures in 13 years.

had lunch with a a girl i used to work with and her sister who now also works at the internet company i used to work at and they gave me the full story of what happened this week when about 12 people got bus stop. they also decided to pay for my lunch which was really nice of them. i don't have a zillion friends but the ones i do have are really rather nice. i will take them out soon and treat them once i am settled in my job.

today i have mostly been listening to redlight company - arts and crafts. music so new its not even on youtube yet. look them up, i suspect they might be rather popular soon.
right well i am off now to football. its freezing but i feel enthused to play. i think it might be a good one tonight.

keep smiling V.

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