Tuesday, 7 April 2009


i heard back from my friend who called me a couple of weeks back, interested in going to socal later this year. he said he won't be coming. now that he said he is not going i don't think my other friend from football is going to come either. 
jeez, you would think it would be easy to convince someone to go to LA and san diego later in the summer, but you would be wrong.  ....sunshine, beaches, girls in bikinis, sightseeing, baseball, major league soccer, nights out in hollywood,.....eerrghhh!!, thats sounds horrible, thanks but no thanks. 

anyways, i completely forgot but its a 4 day week this week as its the easter holiday. i haven't had a day off this year so it will be nice to have a long weekend. in the words of trent reznor everyday has been exactly the same and i could do with a break right now just to break the monotony. 

got told today that my contract is being extended for another 3 months till the end of july, which is good. the market is dead as disco these days and i really wanted a break from having to deal with recruitment agents. they are like dentists where you only want to go see them when you absolutely have to, andbesides, there are some interesting projects coming up and i want to be around to do them or at least take some part in them. 

today i have mostly been listening to angels and airwaves - everythings magic. 

keep shining flower. 


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