Thursday, 30 April 2009


i am sooo sick. i thought i was getting better at one point yesterday but its gotten worse. i went to the gym last night thinking it might help. was feeling so weak that i could hardly lift anything and i nearly ended up injuring myself. felt like i was going to throw up at one stage and then a while later it felt like i was going to pass out. decided to end my session early before i did myself a mischief. 

took 2 paracetemol plus and some warm milk before bed last night and it didn't make much difference this morning. i called a friend of mine and asked what the numbers were like for football tonight and if they could do with out me. he said they were struggling for numbers and that if i pulled out it would screw things up and it was to late to cancel, so i have to go football tonight. aarrgghh!!. 

maybe running around i might be able to sweat it out. will take some more paracetemol when i get home and maybe some lemsip as well. if i don't post in the next few days you know i will have done a heath ledger and od'd on flu medicine. 

if i do survive i have just one more day to get through before we get the 3 day weekend. i need it bad.  

today i have mostly been listening to peter gabriel - red rain. 

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