Monday, 8 February 2010

starry eyed

i had to work late on friday evening because there was an application that was being launched into production and they needed me around in case the server did anything silly, which thankfully it didn't. as there was a few of us staying all evening they decided to order in pizza for us which was a nice gesture. unfortunately it think there was something wrong with it because it gave me an upset stomach for most of the weekend. thanks for that. work extra hours for us and in return we will reward you with the shits.

on saturdy, even though i felt really rough, i decided to cycle to the gym in the freezing cold and do some training. at the gym i got as close to passing out as i have ever come, and had to cut my session short. i didn't want to embaress myself and went home.

sunday i was feeling much better than saturday, though not 100%, but i had a normal workout, though the bike ride home was very hard again. its gotten freezing cold again, and it just freezes your joints. my back my shoulders, my legs and my arm all ached in the cold. enough already with this shit weather. i think i need to book a ticket for new york and/or LA soon. as is usual i will ask a couple of friends if they want to come along, and as usual they will not be convinced that it would be a good holiday. after all, who wants to go somewhere sunny with lovely beaches, nice restaurants and bars, beautiful women, lots of music and sports venues, and most importantly, away from the dirty grey streets of london. yuk!, southern california sounds horrible.

anyways, we are coming into the 3rd month of temperatures way below what they normally are. i saw something on the news this morning about mongolia where they are also having a particularly harsh winter. -50c and its killing all their animals. there was also 2 feet of snow in washington over the weeked. is it just me or is there a lot of extreme weather out there?. australia is supposed to be in one of its worst droughts in decades, if not centuries and the same goes for southern california. climates are changing. that is a fact and there is some dispute as to why, but i think we all have a pretty good idea why and the sceptics are our generations version of people in the 50's and 60's who denied that smoking gives you cancer. you can't pump that much poisonous smoke and chemicals into your lungs and it not do anything bad, and you can't pump that much shit into the sky and it not do anything bad either. its just common sense.

i read on bloomberg that steve wozniak (co-founder of apple computer) was talking about his prius. my sister has just bought one and they are nice cars and very econimical. it then said he owns 4. is that being environmentally friendly when you have 4?. shit, what if everyone bought 4 cars?. another famous person doing the old, do as i say, not as i do, thing.i don't feel so bad about secretly wanting a range rover. i only want 1 and i won't drive it a lot and i will still keep my bicycle. i reckon even if i got the 4.4L supercharged monster i would be better than steve. no chance of me actually getting one though.

i watched a bit of the superbowl last night but as its a school night i couldn't watch all of it because i have to get up early. am glad the saints one.
had a couple of calls about jobs last week. one of them sounded really quite good. if i get it, it will be very nice indeed and if i don't, thats fine as well.

today i have mostly been listening to ellie goulding - starry eyed.

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