Tuesday 12 July 2022

no one is good enough?

 So evidently everyone one that was interviewed by the hedge fund that turned me down a few weeks ago, turned out to be useless as well. good to know i am not the only one they thought was shit. 

........but really?. in the whole of London paying a 6 figure salary and being able to attract talent from investment banks, hedge funds and tech firms, you still did not find anyone good enough?. 

........or maybe the people at the firm are not good enough. maybe candidates show no enthusiasm for managing windows servers on old tech like vmware. maybe people are no longer interested in managing disks on a SAN. maybe some people dont give a shit about running on prem Exchange. 

..........maybe the guy interviewing felt threatened by contractors with experience across dozens of firms and projects and who were interested in learning new technology and not upgrading old technology. 

..........maybe he was looking for someone good......but not too good. 

who knows. but yesterday they re-advertised the role looking for more candidates. 

Bob Dylan is pretty good. 

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