Friday 2 December 2022

i wouldnt want to be you.....

The hedge fund that turned me down with the asshole interviewer last summer, re-advertised the job in July. evidently amongst the dozens of candidates they must have applied the second time round clearly they must have been all shit........because the same job is being re-advertised for a 3rd time. 

surely not everyone you have seen can be shit.....but i do know that he is!.

In other news i am now Terraform certified. some at that hedge fund may think its not as cool as managing Exchange server hosted on prem, or managing disks and LUNs on a SAN in a datacentre, but i think its cool.  

I wonder when the penny will drop for him when he realises that the reason he cant find people with the skills he is looking for are because those skills are quickly becoming obsolete, and that proper techies with an actual interest in tech have moved on. its not that they are not good enough, its precisely because they are good that they dont do all that old shit that you are still doing. 


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