Monday, 15 December 2008

dodging shoes

forgot to set my alarm this morning and so got into work about 20 minutes late today. don't matter. its not like i am able to do anything productive or interesting. had a strange dream last night where i dreamed i was driving across america with a bunch of people and we were in virginia and we were all in the car and i was driving and no one knew where we were supposed to go next. it was all a bit odd. even stranger was the fact that one of the girls from the mtv show the hills, audrina, was there as was one of my friends from football on a thursday night. very bizarre.

also have got a bit of a sore throat this morning and i am not the only one. quite a few people on my floor coughing and spluttering today. am hoping for the next few weeks till the end of the year to be quiet. god, i hope so. i was at a japanese bank this time last year and that place was dead the last couple of weeks i was there in december. thinking about it, it feels like i was at that bank years ago though it was only 12 months ago. feels like a lot has happened and yet at the same time not very much.
what the fuck am i talking about?. i haven't got a clue. these dark winter days are making me lose my mind i think.

today i have mostly been watching george bush - dodging shoes. man, that was fucking funny seeing him cowering behind the podium. he threw a shoe at you!. they were all saying how a grave insult it is in middle eastern culture to take a shoe to someone. hey!, its pretty bad if someone does that to you in western culture as well. i think its pretty bad wherever you go. ha ha ha!!!.

that dude throwing the shoes looks he had very good fastball. i bet there are some major league scouts watching that thinking of maybe signing him. he should join the yankees as they need some pitching after missing the playoffs this year and a bit like bush, they too like spending lots of money to achieve nothing.

go redsox and padres!!.

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