Monday, 24 February 2025

Farewell maybe......

The same agent that put me forward for the asset management firm that interviewed me at the end of last year, but then did not hire me even after interviewing candidates after me who they said were not as good, called me last week about a contract at an asset management firm. it all moved quick and they interviewed me on Thursday and then said they would like to interview me again which they did this morning. it seemed to go OK from my side and i will hear back in the next couple of days if they want to offer me the role. 

as is usually, a few hours after my second interview this morning, i get a message on Linkedin from a recruiter asking if i would be interested in a job at a hedge fund in London. I reply i would be and they immediately call me back. When i see the number on my phone it looked a little strange and the recruiter was actually in New York and he had been tasked with trying to find a candidate for a couple of US firms, 1 multi strat and 1 quant. I said i was happy to be put forward for both of them. fingers crossed something comes through soon. 

In a twist, the multistrat fund is based in the same building as the multistrat that went silent on me after the interviewer got his facts wrong in an interview just over a year ago. How awesome would it be to bump in the guy in reception if i landed this other firm. remember me you numpty. Do you want to tell me how clients find DC's again?. Your confidence far exceeds your skills. 

the thought of staying at my current job is so depressing. the unhelpfulness of the existing senior team members has now given way to rudeness and frustration towards us, the new starters in London, Pittsburgh and Dallas. its go to the point that us newbies have arranged our own team calls amongst ourselves to discuss issues and try and help each other, rather than dealing with the other assholes. 

hopefully the end is coming soon for me at that place. my mind has already checked out. 

remember it was my fall into the sun.

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