After interviewing twice, i got called back today and did not get the asset management firm. the feedback was that i did not have the NetApp storage skill levels that they really wanted. No shit i dont know NetApp!, who the fuck uses NetApps in 2025!!!. The last time i saw a NetApp was in 2013!. Why are you still using that shit?!. i should have suspected something was not quite right, when the manager in the 1st interview was mentioning upcoming projects and mentioned Exchange 2016. eh????. you still have on-prem mail servers????.
you sometimes read job specs and you figure some parts of it are more important that others. i really did not expect NetApp to that important. i figured it was a legacy storage system which some legacy servers were still using, but nothing new would be using it. the guy in the interview asked me if i had configured snap mirror. i felt like asking him what day is it?!, what year??!!!.
Like the hedge fund that seemed to be upgrading to Vsphere 7 a year before it went out of support, and kept emphasizing how i not used that one version of it, having used every other version over the last decade, i now get rejected due to on-prem storage.
The only reason i wanted to land this role, was to get me out of my current place, and not because i thought it was a great role. Its probably a good thing they rejected me. i could not give a rat arse about on-prem storage, and if that is what is really important to you and that is what you are really looking for, then you can keep it.
fuck, my current place is getting worse. i can sense the mood has darkened amongst all the engineers. the unhelpful established guys seem even more dismissive and unhelpful than normal, and the newbies in Pittsburgh and Dallas and myself are getting more isolated.
I have been through this before, when i have been in a role and the existing engineers just hate you from the beginning. i managed to escape that, and hopefully i can escape this situation as well. hope my new friends in NY who called up with the hedge fund roles in London come through for me.
its so much stress being in a job and then trying you escape. too much noise in my head. I sometimes i wish that i was like those people who are content to just muddle though doing what they know in a job for years, but then i come back to my senses.
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