Linkedin is good for finding new jobs, but its also good if you get interviewed by a firm and then turned down by them and then you can see who they eventually hired and who they thought was better than you.
I interviewed with a hedge fund in summer 2024, and it was a shit interview. the infrastructure manager focused for far too long on why i had not used Vsphere 7, despite having used version 3,3.5,4,5,6.5 and 8 in my previous roles. he seemed incredulous that a firm i worked at would upgrade from Vsphere 6.5 to 8. what was even stranger is that the hedge fund he worked at had never run any Vsphere before and had gone with Hyper-V which is complete trash.
They had seemingly discovered a decade and half too late that Hyper-V was trash and were in the process of migrating to vsphere which he claimed he was having some issues. firstly, why would you give a shit about vsphere 7 when you are migrating to vsphere in summer 2024 when vsphere 8 had long been released????.
secondly, vmware have a very good tool called vmware convertor which makes migrating virtual machines and physical machines to vsphere very easy. I used it a lot. why are you having trouble using a standard utility that you can train a chimpanzee to use?.
he also seemed utterly disinterested in anything i said about AWS or terraform or ansible or Git, which was strange because the job spec did state they wanted someone who was familiar with cloud technology and infrastructure as a code.
he ended the interview asking me if i preferred cloud or on-prem infrastructure. i said the latter half knowing it would be the kiss of death and not the answer he was looking for, and as expected they did not call me back.
looking through linkedin, i saw that they hired a new windows platform engineer in October. this guy might be amazing, but he has chosen to not mention anything about cloud tech or infrastructure as code or ansible or anything new and modern. its just windows OS engineering shit. keep it mate.
I am in a job at the moment i find quite frustrating with colleagues that are unhelpful and difficult, and yet i still do occasionally get to troubleshoot and configure load balancers in AWS and configure route tables and security groups and work with RDS instances and AWS backup and i even use Citrix cloud which i hate, but at least it sounds modern.
am glad i did not get the role at the hedge fund. hope you guys got to finish your vsphere 7 migration in 2025. this might be news but it goes out of support in 8 months so keep working on that old shit.
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