Monday, 3 November 2008

6 weeks

this is being written from a PC that has an internet connection at work. it only took 6 weeks to get this sorted out for me. bravo!, champagne for everyone. i still don't actually have an administartive account so i still can't do any work, but at least i am connected to the outside world. i asked one the guys here who has been here for years as far as i can tell, how i get an admin account and he tried to show me but then struggled to come up with any information and said he would get back to me. yeah, whatever fella!.

to be honest i really just don't care. this is by far the worst job i have ever had but you know what, you just have to laugh about it. its so ridiculous and i have so many stories of incompentence that i am looking forward to leaving this place and recalling the tales of ineptitude to future colleagues.

US election tomorrow. come on USA elect obama. our european presidents and prime ministers will look even older, blander and more boring than they already are standing next to obama, and believe me they will all want to be seen standing next to him hoping some of his charisma rubs off on them. it will also make a marked change of not wanting to be seen anywhere near your current president. he couldn't less popular if he had herpes.

had a busy but boring weekend. gym, laundry, grocery shopping, ironing, haircut, blah blah.

take care V.

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