Wednesday, 19 November 2008

funny that was fucking funny. like i mentioned before the 2 other guys i work with don't really like working with each other. one of the guys is a bit spaced out and in his own world, whilst the other guy is quite hyper and wants to get everything done quickly and has no patience for anything and gets pissed off at everything.

anyways, just now they had a face to face disagreement on the floor i sit on.they weren't shouting or anything but voices were slightly raised and there was a sharp tone in what they were saying. as is usual for me when i am in a tense situation, i was trying to contain my laughter and had to bite my lip as it was fucking funny seeing them argue like that.

we are contractors fellas. lets just do whatever work we get and keep our heads down and get on with it. i keep telling the one of the guys not to get so stressed and pissed off about stuff but he just can't seem to let it slide and not make it bother him. to break up their argument i called one of the guys over and asked him a question about something i was working on, otherwise they would both still be standing there going over the same shit.

i think my experience a couple of contracts ago, when i had to sit next to an asshole for a couple of months was beneficial for me. it was an exercise in restraint and containing frustration and that particular guy was such a big asshole that i have not come across anyone even remotely as annoying as him, since i left. its all been a walk in the park...relatively. everybody needs to calm the fuck down and chill out. i told you this was going to be good entertainment.

we contractors rarely get involved in disputes or politics. i miss that a little bit, but we have it here. hopefully there is more to come. :-)

keep smiling my friend.

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