Monday, 17 November 2008


there are 3 people in my team that i have to work with. we all started in the last couple of months or so, one guy a couple weeks before me and one guy a couple of weeks after me. i get on with everyone fine, but the other 2 guys have a real problem working with each other.

you see one of the guys here is a bit spaced out and seems to just jumble everything up. he is a nice guy but its kind of frustrating working with him because he just waffles on and on when he talks and most of the time you can't understand what he is trying to say to you. he is really disorganised and just messes up a lot of stuff.

an example of him being spaced out was a few minutes ago i asked him a question. he said pardon and so i repeated it and he said pardon again, and so i repeated it again at the same volume in the same tone, and then he answered it. its like this all day if you have to deal with him. dude, are you high?, have you been smoking some herbs?. you find yourself constantly repeating yourself when you talk to him. its like he is not listening even when he appears to be looking at you and appears to be attentive.

it doesn't really bother me too much but it drives the other guy i work with crazy, and he gets very stressed about it and today i think he is close to breaking point. its a good thing they sit on different floors in this building otherwise they might have exchanged some harsh words now. most of their communication is done via messenger and he is just the same where you have to type the same question to him 3 times for him to respond.

its all very amusing to me. i don't let it get to me. i keep telling the other guy to now worry about it and just get into that contractor mindset of doing your own work and not get involved in anything else going on. its leads to a much less stressful existence in places like this. he is new to contracting and i think he just finds it hard to not give a shit about stuff. i find it quite easy these days.

anyways they just had a small argument on messenger and they are both sitting at their desks with smoke coming out of their ears. ha ha ha!!!. nice to have some entertainment at work for a change.

today i have mostly been listening to keane - spiralling. i don't really like a lot of their stuff but this is a wicked tune. credit where credit is due.

take care my friend

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