Sunday 2 March 2008

kids in japan

my minidisc player died this week. it just stopped reading any minidiscs i put into it. i gave it a clean but still nothing. i had it for over 5 years and for most of that time i used it every single day on the way to work. when i left the internet company i used to work for they bought me a sony 8GB mp3 player which i tend to use most of the time now, but i still used my minidisc player quite a bit.

after my minidisc player died i debated whether i should get another one or whether i should just stick to my mp3 player or buy a bigger better mp3 player, but i decided to get another minidisc player because i think they are wicked. no one outside japan seems to think so, but i do and so does those cool kids in japan. i went down to the sony shop after the gym this afternoon and picked up a new one, and its wicked and its alse nice to be different from everyone else.

did 2 intense sessions at the gym this weekend just like last weekend. my arms, shoulders and chest ache. the kind of ache you get when you first start going to the gym and your body is not used to lifting weights. i am used to lifting weights but not this much this many times. i do feel better for it after a days rest. aside from that its been a quiet weekend. am hoping i hear back about that job on tuesday. they are interviewing one more guy tomorrow and if he turns out to be not very good i think they might go with me, judging by what the guy said to me after my interview. i have my fingers crossed they do come back and make me an offer.

take care V. was finishing up at the gym and was wondering how you were as i know these are important weeks ahead for you. nearly emailed you when i got home but stopped myself because i thought you might not want to hear from me or you might have more important matters to deal with at this moment. sent some positive thoughts instead. hope you got those. :-)


today i have mostly been listening to editors - an end has a start. my favourite band and am seeing them play a show on wednesday night. this song is awesome.

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