Monday, 6 September 2010

long night

it turned into a long night at work on saturday. we started at around 5pm and i was hoping to be out by 3am but i finally finished just after 6am and it was 7am by the time i got home. the only tiny consellation was that it was nice to be going home in daylight. no bother, as its more spending money for me in new york and cali in a couple of weeks. i have to work this saturday as well and i already have a feeling its going to be a long one, but thats just how it goes and you never know, i might get a pleasant surprise and we get everything done in less than 12 hours.

anyways i went straight to sleep when i got in on at 7am on sunday but made sure i was up again at 11.30 and then cycled to the gym. i didn't want to spend the whole day in bed and waste it all away. felt fine and slept like a baby last night.

aside from that nothing else happening. work is work. am meeting up with a bunch of friends and going for a drink with them in shoreditch on thursday evening. i have only 1 more weekend in london before my holiday, which is just as well, as the weather is forecast to be shit all week, and the cherry on the cake is that the tube workers are on strike again, so i will have a fun journey into work. god only kows why they are on strike again. they had their union leader on the news and he couldn't give a reason. is it about pay?, no. is it about people being sacked?, no.

maybe they fancy a few days off work. i have a friend who works on the trains, who used to live on the same street as me and we used to play football together. i see him at my station sometimes when they are shortstaffed due to people taking sick days. i have seen him quite a lot recently, and he always says he is covering because of sickness absence. pardon the pun but the impression i get is that sick leave is at epidemic proportions with tube staff.

anyways fingers crossed that i can get to work at a reasonable time tomorrow and i can get on a bus to somewhere close.

today i have mostly been jimmy eat world - my best theory. good tune. no video just yet coz its new fresh.

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