Sunday 22 January 2012

first aid kit

have been back a week from cali and with each passing day i am reminded how shit london is. from when i landed last sunday and was getting the train home, only to be told that there was a signal failure on the picadilly line and it took me 30 mins longer to get home than it should. it was not so bad for me, but in the opposite direction, if you were catching a plane and the trains were fucked, you could miss your plane or at least turn up very late for it. thats the kind of hassle and stress no one needs to start their holiday with. i had noticed people leaving the train station and running into the terminal building.

weather has been mixed. some nice days, some showery drizzly days, some cloudy dull days. mostly its been shit. 
have started going to the gym this week and cycled both days this weekend. was good to get out on the bike as i had not cycled for a month. have been easing myself back into it and am feeling a little sore, but less so with each passing session. the hot girl who is a model (she must be i presume as she is too tall and too skinny and well turned out), was in my gym today. its the little things in life that perk you up. 

went out on friday night and met up with the other 2 guys i worked with at the hedge fund last year. they seemed well but just feel fed up. i think they envy the fact that i am not working there any more. 

had a couple of calls about jobs. 3 different investment banks, one of which is paying less than i usually get paid, one the same and one more. its a nice spread. it will be interesting if any of them call me in. the girl recruiting for them sounded quite impressed by the names already on my resume. lets hope the banks are equally so. i dont want to be sitting around for few months. if it was summer it would be nice, but in january, i may as well be earning so i can take time off in the nice weather, as opposed to having time off when its shitty and working through the summer. 

today i have mostly been listening to first aid kit -the lions roar. wicked tune. 

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