Tuesday 14 February 2012

stockholm syndrome

its been dull and boring. the contract market seems dead. occasionally i get a call about something coming up but usually i then hear nothing. a couple of days a go i got a random email about a vmware contract in stockholm sweden. i decided to send them my cv and they called me back straight away and it all sounded good. a few hours later they sent me the address of where the job would be based and it was about 20 miles outside of stockholm in a small town. it would mean i would either have to stay in small town sweden, or live in stockholm but have to take a train and a bus every day. it the equivalent of saying the job is in new york but it was actually in trenton. it then wouldnt make any sense to rent a place in new york and commute and trenton new jersey is just not as much fun as the big apple. no offence to jersey.   :-)

i cant be staying in some disconnected small town in sweden for 6 months on my own. i would go out of my mind. stockholm would have been good and an experience with a chance to soak up the city and culture. working in nowheresville was not appealing. anyways, today they called me back and said they wanted to see me but i told them i would pass as it was not in stockholm like i thought (and they originally said). turns out they had hired someone for the role a few weeks ago and after the guy had been hired, he withdrew, hence they were looking again. i wonder if he checked them out on google maps after getting the job and suddenly realised it wasnt as cool as first thought. 

anyways, an hour or two after turning down sweden, i got a call about something going at a bank in the city. yes, it means i am still stuck in london, and i really have had enough of this city, but i think i would rather be in london and saving lots of money so i can buy cool furniture for my flat and having my friends nearby and football on thurday nights than stuck in smalltown scandinavia. have been to some small towns in holland and they do seem a little quiet and dull compared to the big smoke. 

will see how it goes. i was told there might be something going in dublin, ireland as well. i could definitely do 6 months there. i also looked up the cost of renting an apartment and it was a lot cheaper than sweden, and i am sure lots of my friends would come over as well to visit as they are always going to ireland to see folks. 

today i have mostly been listening to blink 182 - stockholm syndrome. its off their self titled album which is a great record and one of the best albums released in the last 10 years. am struggling to think of a better album, and yes i am considering radiohead and other big bands that are supposedly more cooler and more celebrated and revered, but this is better than all of them. no video as this was not a single but its awesome. 

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