Sunday 1 April 2012


last thursday i went to the leaving drinks of one of the guys that used to work at the hedge fund i was at last year. i also saw a couple of guys who still work there but were in another team. they told me that they all had to take 10% rate cuts, so it now turns out that i am earning more than they are now. there are some really talented people working there and it did make me realise how lucky i am to have landed where i am and for the money i am getting. maybe it will help to motivate me because i do feel quite de-motivated at the moment. i shouldnt but i do. 

maybe its starting the new job on my own with hardly any handover. maybe its because of 6 months of darkness in a long winter. who knows. either way, i left the drinks feeling a lot better. 

aside from that its been a quiet weekend. went out for drink with a couple of friends on friday night. my friends can be a bit lame sometime (quite often). we ended up going to a bar that we have been to about 4 times in the last month and every time, its been lame. so why are we going there again??!!!. its all they ever suggest. i only go there because its a chance to see my friends after a week of work, otherwise i wouldnt bother. 

its a 4 day week this week as its good friday bank holiday. i know i had 2 months off work but i always like a day off. 

today i have mostly been listening to chairlift - i belong in your arms.

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