Monday 4 August 2008

thats it for now....

have been off work for just over a week now and its been good. i thought i would have been bored out of my head but i think it speaks volumes about how boring my job was that sitting round the house doing not much has seemed less boring and the last week has gone pretty fast.

i played football for the first time in around a month last thursday night and it was good to get out there after a long time not playing.

will pack tomorrow for my trip and then i am away on wednesday for 3 whole weeks. thats one adventure and it will be another adventure when i return and get myself back into a contract somewhere, wherever it maybe. at this moment i feel good about it.

i doubt i will blog whilst i am on the road. we shall see, but i don't think it will happen. am thinking i might keep a written diary of my trip as i will be able to write that whilst i am in the car. i am not taking my laptop with me because its just one more thing to lug around and one more thing that could break or get lost. i don't mind losing my toothbrush or my shampoo but i really don't want to risk my laptop. anyways, if i write it all down it could be my version of che guevara's motorcycle diaries, which he wrote as he travelled through south america. mine can be called the pontiac diaries, as i think thats what our hire car is.

thats all for now. there may not be a post till the end of august.....or there might be.

take care my friend. see you in 2 weeks in the desert heat.

today i have mostly been listening to Interpol - Obstacle 1. its from their fantastically good debut album, turn on the bright lights. it will be one of the songs i will be listening to on the road in america.

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