Wednesday, 24 September 2008

new contract

its been 4 weeks to the day since i got back from the states and i got offered a contract today at a large german bank. ofcourse i accepted it, even though i have my reservations but everyone is worried how a new job may turn out, and thats no reason for me to turn it down. besides what with investment banks disappearing on a daily basis the last week or so, i think i did pretty well to get something so quickly considering just how bad things are in the financial industry these days. i even managed to get a nice pay rise out of them and so thats even better. i think my first day will be next monday but there is a chance that they might want me to start this thursday or friday. no bother, i told them i can start whenever but it does mean i will have to reschedule my exam which is next week.

was a little apprehensive about it because in the interviews i had, no one asked me a single technical question. not one. they just looked at the other banks i had worked in and asked me what kind of stuff i had done, but they didn't test me on any of it. thats cool, we shall see how it goes. as always i am hopeful, and even if it does to turn out to be crappy, i will be paid very well and am sure i can stick it out for a few months and at least till the end of the year and it will make my bank account look a lot better and it will pay for another trip to california next year. it will also make a nice mix of banks on my resume having previously worked in a large japanese bank and then a large american bank. another good thing about it is that i will be working in the city of london again and i will not be in horrible, bland, boring, soulless docklands. it will be nice to be back in town again.

its still not quite my ideal job though. that is yet to come in the future.

i got an email from my friend who i went on the road trip across the states, you know the one...the guy that didn't want to go out for a drink in memphis, san diego, LA, santa fe, flagstaff, las vegas, washington ... . anyways he sent a mail around inviting a bunch of people out for drinks at a bar in central london. needless to say, i shall not be attending. i don't want to go for a drink in london. i have done that a million times before. i wanted to go out for a drink on sunset boulevard in LA or in las vegas. that would have been miles better.

today i have mostly been listening to , kings of leon - sex on fire. what a great song. this is what i was watching on tv last friday when you, V, were texting me.

take care flower

UPDATE: as is always the case with these things i have just been put up for a better job, paying much more at another bank. i told the agent i would take it if offered. didn't tell him i had already landed a contract. we shall see how it goes, but you just need to play all the angles sometimes.

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