Friday 13 February 2009

football in snow

coming up to the end of my second week at work and its slowly getting better. feeling a little bit less stupid each day and a little more comfortable. its a strange experience after working in banks and constantly just plotting my escape, to be not plotting an imminent escape. lets be honest, i will go at some point but if its up to me i would like to stay longer than i have at my previous contracts. who knows....

had to go to the datacenter today on my own and that place is like a maze. took quite a few wrong turns inside the building trying to get to the room that has our servers in. will get used to it eventually. 

football last night and it started snowing again about an hour before we started playing and a bit more while we were playing. was going to take pics but i forgot my camera. it was bloody freezing and as much as i love playing football, i really didn't enjoy it much at all last night. would have rather gone to the gym or stayed home indoors. got in just before midnight and had to be up at 6.30 this morning because i am on the early shift at work, so was feeling a little strung out today. am on the late shift tomorrow which means i finish at 6pm, which is not very late at all. when i worked at the internet company i never left before 7. 

no big plans for the weekend not that i ever have big plans. gym and laundry are usually the highights. don't you wish you were me. :-)
got a couple of new films to watch and i have a book i have to read. thats its really. day this winter will be over......

have a lovely weekend flower. 


today i have mostly been listening to bon jovi - misunderstood. its a good song and i was going to link the video but embedding has been disabled and thats not a bad thing because its not a very good video. surely they could have come up with something better than that. 

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