Tuesday 17 August 2010

young blood

constant tiredness. not physically, but just mentally and not because my brain has been working a lot or that i have a really stressful job. no, just worn down and need a break from this city and this life. unfortunately i am working on saturday again, but its only new servers and its never usually a problem. am gasping for a day off.

booked my hotel for when i fly to LA, and made sure it was close to the venue where i will be going in the evening because time will be tight. a couple more nights need to get booked and then that really is it all done. if only i was as good as organising shit at work as i am at organising my holidays. its so nice to go places and everything is booked and ready before hand. have done it a couple of times where its not been so organised and its not fun. i also bought a nice new camera because for some reason unknown to me, i decided to give my quite expensive camera to my sister but now i can take some photos on my hols.

am still applying for other roles. i had something come up at another big bank but asked not to be put forward. i really would prefer to go somewhere a little smaller and less beauracratic and where i can do some interesting work. i have been to enough big banks, this is my 4th, to have started to realise they are all pretty similar and i get bored quite quickly. you've done one, you have done them all pretty much and i don't need to make my cv look better with another big name.

saw a really good job going at a hedge fund but they didn't get back to me. that would have been perfect. smaller environment, lots of technology and also enough money to invest in cool new kit....and they pay well. in big banks you spend most of your time looking at spreadsheets filling in forms, chasing people and doing the same thing over and over again for months. i need to find a job like my last one at the games company, but that pays more money.

was supposed to go to the gym last night but its been showery the last few days and i didn't want to risk getting soaked on my bike. could really do with a good work out though, to give me some evergy.

today i have mostly been listening to the naked and famous - young blood. wicked tune. will be on my LA playlist. the car hire place appears to have got some camaro's again, so am debating whether to cancel my mustang and get one of them. decisions, decisions.

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