Saturday 7 May 2011

25th hour

finished up my 2 week contract yesterday and i must have done about an hours work in the whole time i was there. still, it was easy money and the people i was working with were nice enough. even captain cockney toned it down a bit and was not in the office that much either this week.

had an interview on wednesday and i have got another interview on monday. am also arranging to see another bank later next week as well. all the roles seem like they might be ok.

there has been a job going at another investment bank and i applied for it because it seemed like a perfect fit for me but i didnt hear anything back. i actually applied a few times for it in case somehow they didnt see my resume but each time i didnt get a call back. i found out that a couple of the guys from the bank i used to work at have just landed jobs there and there are already 3 other guys from the same team that had already moved there over the last few months into the same team these new guys are joining.

it kind of explains why i didnt get a call back. it seems like a bit of an oldboys network thing going on and i can imagine they were holding out for their buddies. initially i was a little dissapointed at not getting it, but having heard what the situation is from one of the guys who is going there, i am glad i am not going for a job to work in that team. have seen it before and it gets political and can be awkward for anyone not in the group. i cant be ass kissing or pretending to be friends with people i am not, just to get a contract. dont get me wrong, both guys are good at what they do, but i think the fact that their original team seems to have moved en-bloc over the last few months to the same bank shows its a bit of a closed circle. no bother though. we shall persist in our search.

today i have mostly been watching 25th hour. i got a high def copy recently and its one of my favourite films.

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