Wednesday 11 May 2011


had a telephone interview with a large bank today and goodness me that was a proper technical grilling. they asked me some stuff i hadnt been asked before ever and although they were asking for very detailed and specific information on some stuff, the like you dont really carry around in your head, i thought it was a good interview by them. i think its quite unlikely they will call me back because there was some stuff i didnt know, but i have no problem in being beaten by anyone who could ace all those questions. they would be clearer better than me.

one more thing in the pipeline and am still waiting to hear back from a couple of places i interviewed at recently. its all quite a slow process. have been put forward for a role at one of the most prestigous hedge funds in london, but i doubt they will call me in because they tend to only want people with the best degrees from oxford and cambridge and my shitty electronics degree from my shitty university probably wont cut it for them on paper. i still think i could do the job well though.

still, all is well in the world because i have football tomorrow night for the first time in over a month. am gasping to play.

its that time of year when my mind has started to wander with thoughts of california in late summer. i dont know if its going to happen this year, but i really want to get out of london. we shall see how it goes, but i am going to try hard to see some beaches in southern california.

today i have mostly been listening to stromae - alors on danse. they played this at my gym. rap sounds so much better when sung in french.

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