Sunday 21 August 2011

right where it belongs

the end of another weekend. they are golden, and i better enjoy them while i can, because we had a meeting a few days ago at work and it looks like there will be lots of weekend work coming from mid september to december. will just need to keep thinking about the money and california.

had a couple more calls about jobs at an investment banks and a hedge fund but turned them down. told them i was available in december.

went out on friday night with a friend of mine and some of the other guys from football, and it did remind me how lame my friends could be at times. one of my friends who wants to go to portugal in the new year, just wanted to sit in a really quiet pub all evening. it was dead in there, but he seemed really relucantant to go anywhere else. i was suggesting lots of other places where there might be a bit more atmosphere, but he didn't want to go. it was like pulling teeth. at least when the rest of the guys turned up, we did move on, as he was completely outnumbered in his opinion.

shit, i really dont want to go to on a week long holiday with him. not after my previous experience on a trip with my other friend. anyways, he couldnt organise himself out of a wet paper bag, so its unlikely that he would have come along anyway. just to plant some doubt in his head already, i told him i have been looking at tickets to los angeles in the new year, which is when he said he wanted to his trip to portugal, which by the sound of it consisted of nothing but trying to visit as many football grounds as he could and not much else. i love football more than any of them. i played for my school team from primary school, to high school, where i was captain, and every summer holiday from the age of 8 till 18 at school, but i dont want to spend a week driving around obscure stadiums and sitting in quiet pubs.

i dont do anything exciting in cali. i go to the beach, do some shopping, go to the beach, see some bands play, go to the beach, do some sightseeing, go to the beach, eat out, go to the beach....etc, and that does me just fine.

went to the gym this weekend. was warm but cloudy yesterday when i went. torrential rain when i was leaving the gym and i got soaked again. nice weather today, and i did a 15:43, with out emptying the tanks. got held up in a few places and so i didnt push 100% at the end. was surprised when i checked the time. next weekend if its dry, i hope my record will be broken.

today i have mostly been listening to nine inch nails - right where it belongs. great song, great performance and very interesting visuals to go with it. words, music and pictures to make you think a little. i suggest watching it in highdef and full screen to get the full effect.

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